Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Things Nobody Told me about Getting Old

I'm 43 this year and I've always belived that sooner or later your body or your health would keep you from doing the things you want so you better do them while you can. That said, there are a few things I have noticed that I didn't expect.

My nose. I smoked for about 10 years so, maybe that had something to do with it. Anywhoo, I can't smell the ocean anymore. Started when I was 28. I know what its supposed to smell like, sandy, salty, moldy, fishy- but I just can't smell it anymore. I miss it. It was one of my favorite smells.
My waist. My waist is trying to take over as being the largest measurement on my torso. Course after 3 c-sections and a bout with cancer that resulted in a hysterectomy I try to cut myself some slack. But, I don't want to be able to pull down jeans without unbuttoning them....just means my waist is wider than my hips and nobody wants to see that.

My eyes...after years of destroying glasses by taking them off and setting them down or by putting them in my purse or a drawer or my desk I actually NEED them to see. I find myself searching them out-making sure to put them somewhere findable. They are on my hotlist in the morning of things I can't forget. On the list right after keys, but before sunglasses.

My feet. They are bigger than they used to be. Wassup with that? I mean, I expect certain parts of my body to expand but, my feet??? REALLY?

Purses- LOVE TO SHOP FOR THEM! One of the only accesories that always fits and looks fabulous! Plus there are rules of function for them. First, outside pocket reserved for KEYS ONLY is a must. Secondly, handles MUST slide over my shoulder easily without any twisting or contortion of the elbow and stay there regardless of whether I am walking with a toddler on one arm or I am doing gymnastics. That thing better stay put. Its a fit thang. Thirdly, must be able to reach inside with one hand while it is still on my shoulder. Again, the kid on one arm that you can't let go of. Lastly, has to sit upright when I set it down. No floppy, open bags to dump my fav lip stick, tampons and FDS all over the floor, backseat or in my desk.

My hair- I like my hair. But this hasn't always been the case. I have come to respect my hair for what it is: fine, straight, and feather light. It will never be long, full and beautifully curly. To make it something it is not is expensive and rarely turns out the way I had in mind. Only exception, color. I don't remember what color my hair used to be and I have no intention of finding out (although if it is like my eyebrows, it is a lot grayer than it used to be). Final thought: don't argue with your hair, invest in good hairspray and when you find someone who can give you a great cut, worship her like the hairGod she is. PS. Why is it called a permanent when it only lasts 3 months?

I'm sure there is more but, motherhood calls. To be cont....

1 comment:

  1. "handles MUST slide over my shoulder easily without any twisting or contortion of the elbow"

    favorite quote of the day, and very true.
    Definitely a must.
