Friday, October 9, 2009


Avery has the H1N1 virus. The doctor told us that without any kind of test or way to treat it. Total dirctions were "just keep her away from everyone".
Dogs are suffering from flea infestation. Got to try somethng other than frontline, flea shampoo and flea powder.
Stuck in the house for the last 5 days with a sick kid. Should be creating something instead of wasting time. Maybe Jack's blanket or the curtains I've had the material for for a long time. Funny though, I just want to sleep. even now my eyes are heavy. I feel like a slug.
Wish I had something to look forward to. A vacation. A night out. A trip. A date. Bored out of my mind. If I have to watch one more episode of Sponge Bob....?!! Bye for now. Done with whining.